Saturday, September 26, 2009

Why would I blog?

Life is an adventure. Life is to be lived abundantly, in health, with courage, without fear or guilt, but with verve and enthusiasm. Life is to be lived pleasing to God.

My goal as a Christian is to have God, the love of Jesus, whatever you want to call it, be seen in everything that I do and say. I don't always reach my goal. But on the days I do, I want to share it.

I'm going to share my good days. My goal reachers. My struggles and triumphs. My daily devotionals....

I love to talk. Some say I have good things to share. I'm going to share it this way. I've never done anything like this before. I'm not technologically advanced. I am going to step out of my comfort zone, and try something new.

I hope you'll join me. I hope you'll enjoy me. I hope you'll see Jesus in me and through me.

So, since life is an adventure, let the adventure begin.

K 9-26-09


  1. thank you, I hope my stories or insight keeps that beautiful smile on your face.

  2. If you get a few minutes, I started a blog a few months ago. I do not post everyday, but I am getting there.
