Monday, September 28, 2009

Yum, God tastes so good!

I enjoy cooking. It is a complement to me when I have made some delicious dish and those eating it just can't get enough. I even receive special requests. It may not even be a holiday or pot luck, I might just have someone say, "make such and such for me." What a true complement, and I want to do that for them.

What about God. So many times in the book of Psalms, David asks God to "fill his cup." Or David is pleased that his "cup runneth over." Why would that be? Because God's love, goodness, and satisfaction is in that cup.

Yum! Becky Locke makes the best cheesecake ever. She only makes it at Christmas, and we ask for it. I can't wait for Bryan to show up with it on Christmas Eve. I get excited about it. I fill my plate, and then fill it some more. I enjoy every bite. It has layers that Becky has taken time to make just to perfection. I savor it in my mouth. There's only so much to be split between my house, the Crites and my parents... we fight over it.

Yum! God makes the most satisfying peace. I bask in it. I ask for it, and when it shows up, I bathe myself in it. God's satisfaction has layers. It has His love, His peace, His quietness, His compassion, His calming reassurance. Each special made just for me. That peace that passes all understanding. A joy that renews my strength. Love... righteousness that transcends all sin in my life.

Take a bite out of God's love. He is complemented when you do. Savor your moments with Him. He has provided it for you, so take it. Spend time with Him in His word. Sing to Him songs. Talk to Him like a true friend and confidant. When you do this, its just like taking a bite, over and over again. He promises you will be satisfied.

God is complemented when you eat of the banquet He has prepared for you. It is just sitting there, ready to be devoured, and unlike the cheesecake, it never runs out.

KM 9-28-09

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