Thursday, December 30, 2010

Waiting It Out

My journey has been about finding myself.   Someone I found on my way has been my husband, Jeff.'

Jeff is truly unique.  His Godly, but not spiritual; he is friendly, but not outgoing;  he is smart, but not a know it all.  He keeps me grounded.  He keeps me on the right path.  He balances me.

Recently Jeff faced a law suit in which, should he lose, we would have lost everything.   He was completely innocent, and, as the legal process goes, this suit had gone on for many years.  When it came down to the final days, the hours of testimony, the frustrations of liars and idiots - he kept his cool.   I had no idea until the night before the verdict that the suit was for $250,000.  There was no reason to panic, he kept it together, and God vindicated him.

I was amazed at his composure.  When I asked why he wasn't acting upset or affected, he responded there was nothing to react to, there was no outcome to worry about.  He just had to wait it out, and be patient.

So many times, so many of us panic, play over and over in our heads the worst case scenario until we drive ourselves into a tizzy.  Jeff has clients who will have a financial thought and call our home at 10:00 at night, Jeff will say, "I'll look into it in the morning."  When he arrives at the office, there's a voicemail waiting for him.  I used to be similar to those people.

I used to have a thought, let it play out in my head, and then be so overwhelmed about that thought that patience and reason simply slip away.  I used to have a plan A, plan B, and plan C before there was even a situation.  Most of the time the worry was for not, because the situation didn't arise or it remedied itself.

Part of keeping sanity is keeping from panic.  Holding on to patience, keeping your brain from playing out what really isn't happening.    Its easier to say than to do.  But its true, the book of James says "let patience have her perfect work."   Maybe God knows what He's talking about.

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