Friday, September 10, 2010

So go do the windows!

Recently I was speaking with a friend who, like many area teachers, has been laid off by our local school district.  Her children had gone back to school, and she was a bit lost as to how to fill her day.   Her comment to me was, "I can only clean my windows so many times! .... and don't tell me I can wash your's like my other friends have suggested!"  We laughed.

We are talking about my friend, "Lisa."  Anyone who knows "Lisa" would easily describe her as a perfectionist.  That means that even before her kids went back to school, her closets were already clean, her front lawn was perfectly manicured, and her windows were already washed.  Lisa has boundless energy and requires little sleep.... I can only dream of being like Lisa.

Then I began to think.   I don't even identify with Lisa.   I am never looking for things to do, things just seem to find me.   I am more busy with my volunteer efforts than any other block of my time.  I don't just do work for church and school, but I do other nice things for friends like bake cupcakes for a friend's birthday, or show up with lunch unexpected for my sweet family members.  I offer my help for others, and I don't have any spare time.

Now, my point isn't that I want my windows washed.   My point is, WHY NOT?   Why not bless a friend by washing her windows, or washing her car, or showing up with dinner for your friends family?

We can't all work in the school office - its not big enough.   It is so easy to call the church and ask if there is something that needs to be done.   Maybe a nice elderly person could use a 15 minute visit to their home.   There are so many small kindnesses that could be shared.

In our hectic lives, the thought of having one moment to ourselves seems farther and farther away.   Maybe if we help one another with the little things, a little thing, like a quiet moment, will come our way.

K   9-9-10

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