Sunday, April 7, 2013

Darn that Christian School!

I was raised in a Christian home, with Christian parents, and always attended Christian school.   Some thought I was lucky, some thought I was sheltered, I thought I was normal.

Actually, I have been very blessed.  I have had an opportunity to be immersed in a lifestyle, and culture that I have chosen and love.   There is one area that is, however, disappointing to me - my Bible reading time.   Bible reading is boring, lets face it.  If you're not in the middle of a really good story in an easy to read version, or God isn't just flying off the pages at you, its boring.   But that's not the disappointing part.  The disappointing part is that I know what comes next.

I know what comes next in the verse, and I find that the verse has lost its meaning.   I've been sitting around for almost 40 years with "I am crucified with Christ,  never the less I live, not I, but Christ lives in me ..." (Galatians 2)

Tonight I looked at that verse, and it flew off of the page - well computer screen actually.  The Scripture goes on, "...I live by faith by the faithfulness of God's Son...."   Where have I been?  This has been head knowledge, and tonight it became heart knowledge.  I can't even explain why this so exploded to me, but it did.

I have been apathetic toward that verse - not because I learned it in Christian school, but because I chose to be.  I have known so much, I have such a great knowledge, its really now that what I learned as a child is becoming life to my very being.

It is time for me to become zealous reading my Bible - I guess I'll have to change my versions, read on the screen rather than in the book, and pray that the Lord will help me see what I haven't seen before.  I am excited to see what is going to come alive to me tomorrow.

I entitled this "Darn that Christian School!" using sarcasm.   Christian school was one of THE greatest blessings of my life.  I will be thrilled when I hear that the several students that I have been involved with are able to say, "It was head knowledge, now its heart knowledge."   Now, that's what its all about.


Common English Bible

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. And the life that I now live in my body, I live by faith, indeed, by the faithfulness of God’s Son, who loved me and gave himself for me

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