Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Fat Family

While living in depression, I often did not make dinner, pay attention to my childrens' snacking, or make healthy choices for my family.    It just wasn't feasible.  Now it is.

Last night Jeff and I joined Weight Watchers on line.   Jeff has done Adkins for years and he does great on it until he goes off of it, and then gains all of the weight back.   After about 3 years of bouts with gout he has decided he needs a new eating life style.

I am a Weight Watchers lifetime member.  I have no idea how long I kept my weight off, something close to 10 years.   But 13 years ago when my life came crashing down, I had to eat to live which then turned into the side effects of the meds which made me live to eat - and eat anything and everything.

My oldest son, Jarrod, has battled with his weight for years.   A few months ago, before his 18th birthday, he decided to go on a juice fast.  Every motherly bone in my body was against it, but he did it.  In 6 weeks he lost  40 pounds - not something I recommend for everyone, but for a morbidly obese teenager, it worked.  Now, several months later, he continues to lose weight by extreme juicing - maybe juicing for a few days - and he watches his diet.  He has lost over 50 pounds, I'm not sure of the exact number.

My Ethan, now 14, could live on hot pockets and pop tarts.   No mystery there where is excess weight has come from or what needs to change in his life.

So we did it.  Jeff and I are making conscious choices to prolong our lives, make our lives more enjoyable, and teach our children by example how to take care of their bodies.

Fat family no more.  We have started.  And here we go.....


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