I said I would sit down with my computer and go to Weight Watchers on line and seek more information. Didn't happen - unless you count the amount of time it took me to track down how much a piece of pizza "cost" me in points.
Not just in this situation, but in life, how many times have you said you would do something for ourselves, and then not do it? You probably will find that you do what you say you will for others, but when it comes to doing something for yourself, you don't. In an effort to not let someone else down, you let the most important person down - you.
When I was a little girl we used to be taught that "JOY" meant "Jesus, Others, You." After all, we're supposed to "love our neighbors as ourselves." WAIT! It doesn't say to love our neighbors MORE than ourselves, it means if we don't love ourselves, then we can't love our neighbor ? You have to take care of yourself, or there is no "Y", its just "JO".

Now that I'm a mom, I find myself "serving the baby first" problem is, the babies are 18 and 14. I discovered that I am still opening the door at the restaurant or mall for the boy to walk in first - because that's what you do when they are young. I found myself leaving the last piece of pizza for the little guy, because you know, he's a growing boy. Now, my boys are lacking in manners and extremely overweight.
BALANCE! I am learning to bring balance into my life. I am learning when "JOY" means putting others first, it gets out of whack. However, when I take care of myself, then I can take care of others, then I have JOY.
Back to yesterday. I didn't do it, it was something I needed to do for myself, and instead I took Ethan and friends to the movies. What I discovered? I needed the movies - a good laugh - more than I needed to frustrate my brain over rules and regulations.
Learn when its ok to NOT do something. Don't get so bound up in preconceived ideas, or "shoulding" on yourself. Learn when its ok to not do what you said you would do. I'm not saying to let yourself down, or flake on others, learn when to say "yes" and learn when to say "no" and be able to have JOY in fulfilling your commitments to others and yourself.
"I have said these things that My joy will be in you and your joy will be complete" (John 15)
ReplyDeleteIt's really awesome.
Daycare Center in OMR