Thursday, July 25, 2013

And Away We Go! (kind of)

We decided to join Weight Watchers on line last night, and signed up.   We synced our phones for the points calculator and this nifty thing that scans bar codes.

I awakened this morning with very little direction.  Maybe I had missed all of the information the on line site had given me.   There were no menus, shopping lists, etc.  There must have been, but I missed them.  So, the resourceful person that I am, I set off to the grocery store with my phone apps.

My plan was to shop for my normal items, but scan them and see if they fit our criteria, and then decide if I want to buy them, or find an alternative.

Going through the grocery store was difficult.   That might have had something to do with the fact that I need new glasses and couldn't read the nutritional info on the items.   The bar code scanner was difficult as well.   I found myself in everyone's way.  If I were to do it again, I would go at midnight.

I spent the rest of the afternoon with some snack foods, weighing/measuring bagging and tagging.  I got over the idea of saving the planet with the amount of snack bags I was using that were just going to be thrown away and decided I would save myself instead.

I have a picture of a method I am going to try.   I looked up each item, placed a sticker on the main package of how much equaled how many points.  Then I took the correct portion size and put it in a small bag with that number on it.

Hopefully while we are watching TV and snacking we can make good decisions on what to snack on.

One day at a time.  Today I am actually going to look for those starting guides and shopping lists.

Jeff and I decided that if we only do this half way, we will lose weight and feel better - but we' breoth committed.  Our goal is to lose weight to be healthy, and by eating healthy, we will lose weight.  Its a win-win.


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