Thursday, August 29, 2013

I'm Disappointed

Have you ever heard the sayings, "took the wind out of my sails," or "pulled the rug from under my feet"?

Sometimes people are nay-sayers and quash your inspiration and enthusiasm;  other times you become discouraged usually encountering road blocks; sometimes you become disappointed in someone or a situation that you thought would turn out differently.  All of these have similar emotional responses.  I was blessed to experience them all today, together, all about the same time.

When I started thinking about what I was going to write today, I googled "disappointment quotes" - how sad!  Some said, "Don't expect anything from anybody and you won't be disappointed."  "I've been let down so many times that I have learned to expect the worst, then I won't be disappointed."!

I'm sorry to say you will be disappointed, regardless.  I do my best to be a good friend, a faithful person, someone you would give the benefit of the doubt, but that didn't happen today - or maybe I am those things, and I expected too much of the other person(s).   Maybe my dream was greater than reality.  Sometimes reality is cruel, and your grand plans become sails without wind.  Perhaps I did not convey my desire, or was it that I was just not consulted which made me feel like I had been turned upside down.

The book of Psalms says, "Keep me O Lord and deliver me; let me not be ashamed or disappointed, for my trust and refuge are in You."

I guess my trust and refuge weren't with the Lord, I was dependent on people rather than God.  I hate it when that happens.

We may be doing what we think God wants and still be disappointed, such as, I would assume that the Children of Israel wandering the wilderness for 40 years were disappointed when they were not permitted in the promised land.  They were complainers and abandoned God a few times, He did not take His protection from them, they just weren't worthy of the prize.

Because of God's grace, I AM WORTHY OF THE PRIZE as long as the prize is what God has in store for me.  It may not be right in front of me, it may take some time.  It may take getting wind back into my sails, and setting my feet right on the carpet.  How is that done?  By searching God's promises, and giving it to Him.  Pursue peace expecting answers rather than complaining.  Look to God rather than abandoning Him and trusting in humans.

God is invisible, people are tangible.   God is a faith situation, while I'm right here.  I have a tendency to trust myself.  I have tendency to want to blow my own wind into the sails, but that's not how God designed it.  He designed it that we would put our trust in Him, use Him as our refuge, and we would not be disappointed.

So for today, I have to forgive those who fell short of my expectations.   I have to rearrange my thinking and make sure God is at the forefront of my thoughts.  I have to get back up, dust myself off, and "get back on the horse."

A conversation from a movie, " now you are angry."  "I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed." 
"Well that's just worse, I'd rather you were angry."

Disappointment is a difficult emotion to deal with.  I guess it begins with forgiveness of ourselves for expecting too much.  Then it goes to forgiveness of the person or situation that caused the disappointment.  Then what?  Go on with life, seek peace, gather your courage.

You will be disappointed again, so arm yourself with God's promises so the next time, the rug goes flying from under you, you can vacuum the rug and step on it again.

"The Scripture says, No man who believes in Him [who adheres to, relies on, and trusts in Him] will ever be put to shame or be disappointed." (Romans)

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