Thursday, September 5, 2013

Do You Have A Screw Loose? (part one)

I had a friend say today, "I'm glad you are better, that day you were depressed I wanted to come over and take you to Kareoke."  I'm so grateful to her for her love and concern, but kareoke would not have aleviated the depression, it would have just masked it for a while.  I'm going to try again to explain depression.

I have learned to enjoy drag racing with my husband on Sunday afternoons.  So with my limited knowledge, let me tell you a little bit about drag racing:

There are like 10 mechanics per car, then each car has a highly trained and experienced crew chief, then of course the car has an extremely capable driver in amazing physical condition.   Sometimes its a superior car or driver that wins the race.  Sometimes its a misfire in the car that loses the race.

One of my favorite drivers, Antron Brown, had a major fire.   Antron was burned through his gloves and fire proof suit.  The malfunction caused the car to spiral out of control, on fire, and crash.  Antron is an experienced driver with an exceptional car and amazing crew so how could this happen?

 I don't understand cars, but apparently all it took was one screw loose, or one over heated clutch pin, and then fire.  Our brains are like these race cars.  All we need is one screw loose and we catch fire.

Brain fire can occur at any time.  Sometimes you can trace your brain fire back to a situation where your screws came loose - other times its just there.  When the brain has been on fire, crash is inevitable.  "Thoughts" begin to spin the car out of control.  The thoughts, like fuel on fire consume the brain chemistry and spiral into an inferno that burns through the fire proof suit. No longer fire proof, the brain then grabs hold of those thoughts as though they are real.  At this point, your "car" is a total loss.

Antron recovered and was able to race the following weekend in a new and improved car.  God can give you a new and improved car, you just have to turn it over to Him, the master mechanic.

When you send forth your spirit and give them breath, they are created, and you replenish the face of the ground, and make in new again. - Psalm 104 


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