Monday, August 5, 2013

Why My Pastor Doesn't Like Facebook

If you've been sitting in the "pews" at my church, you will know that my Pastor almost hates Facebook. Here is my opinion why:

1. People are stupid - Ok, Pastor wouldn't say that, he might say "People use poor judgement".

  • Point A:  Eternal proof of one foolish act:  Several years ago some friends of mine went bowling. This apparent innocent "girls night out" was played out in pictures on facebook.   What the poster of the pictures did not realize is that she had captured in time the evidence of mothers, teachers, and supposed spiritual leaders in what appeared to be a party of drunken women.
  • Keep your mouth shut, or your camera shut Point B:  There was a family-only intimate wedding, an amateur photographer was asked to take pictures.   The photographer brought along an "assistant" as many photographers do, and the ladies had a lovely time with the family as they took the traditional wedding pictures.  These lovely pictures were posted by a proud mother, along with candid shots from the celebration.   The photographer and her assistant were in the candids, and it appeared that these friends had been invited to the intimate event as guests, while many many had not been invited.  Obviously this caused hurt feelings.
2.  Playing out your life on the public block:
  • Point A:  This appeared on my feed this morning - "I don't even talk about you! Wtf are you tripping with me for!"
  • Point B:  More Evidence for Point A - "Oh heartbreak... God always sees us through our pain because He loves us that much.  [Personal details]  You can't run forever especially from God."
  • Point C: Look at us, aren't we great?!  A couple, he not yet divorced began posting pictures of themselves and declaring love for one another which lead to a very uncomfortable marriage proposal on FB. 
3. Acts of Terrorism / Cowardice
  • Point A:  Eloquently put - "I am burdened by something. I've been reading comments on FB regarding every issue under the sun. I am ... Perplexed, to say the least, at how easily it comes to some people to write mean, disgusting, heinous, and even down right raunchy comments about people they don't even know. Have an opinion and voice it. But is it necessary to tear people down on a personal level with despicable language that sometimes borders on being violent in some cases? The rage is frightening. I see vial names being flung around and half the time, the people sharing most likely aren't reading the comments others are leaving because the comments are beyond outrageous."
  • Point B:  Just say it to her face - "...friends on Facebook that are only here to lurk and hope you fail because they are jealous, yes I said jealous of the life you live. You know who I'm talking about.. And yes I'm talking to you girl! Haha ...Only chiming in when your self righteous behind feels like you need to make a point on my statuses makes you pathetic."
  • Point C:  Cyber-bullying:  FB friend posted information on an upcoming event in her life.   Among the well wishers was a nay sayer who challenged the event emphatically.   The well wishers then turned on the nay sayer, and attacked the nay sayer on her own page, causing the nay sayer to contact the initial poster privately and threaten legal action if the well wishers didn't back off.
  • Point D: We really are that immature:  Be sure to post pics so Suzy will get jealous.

4. Personal Slander, Political Slander, Heated Debates.  We've all seen them - politics, religion, trials, verdicts ....

  • Point A:  We're mad at a pastor, so we are going to start our own church, and want all of you leave and come over here:   Maybe that's the one that gets my pastor.... No, really it happened.  I invite my FB friends to my church events assuming that they will use good judgement and go to their church first, OR, not leave their pastor in the lurch by taking a Sunday off OR, that an unchurched person might want to come to church.   My intent is never to take anyone away from the church that God has called them to.
  • Point B:  After I was accused of being heartless, morally dead and corrupt, I swore off all political arguments and heated debates.
  • Point C:  Don't re-post until you check the facts.  Today in my feed was an incorrect detail of events about Jane Fonda that had been circulating since 1999.  I'm not a fan of Jane Fonda, but I'm really not a fan of incorrect information or lies.
5  Loss of Privacy - 
  • Point A:  Whenever you publish anything on line, you immediately forfeit your privacy, and the privacy of anyone else involved, whether it be a picture, a place, a tag, or a comment - it is there forever for everyone to see.  To prove my point, I did not ask permission to cut and paste the above posts - nor will anyone else, and they might use your name.
  • Point B:  When your green light in the "chat" box comes on it affords people the opportunity to contact you directly and expect your immediate answer, or makes others think that all you do all day is play on FB.
6. What do we look like to our non-Christian friends?  I Corinthians 6 - 

"When one of you has a complaint against another, do you take your complaint to a court of sinners?  Or do you take it to God's people?  Don't you know that God's people will judge the world?  And if you are going to judge the world?  And if you are going to judge the world, can't you settle small problems?  Don't you know we will judge angles?  And if this is so, we can surely judge everyday matters.   Why do you take complaints to judges who are not respected by the church?   I say this to your shame.  Aren't any of you wise enough to act as judge between one follower and another."

Although Facebook can be harmless and actually useful in carrying the Gospel, the misuse of Facebook can leave a very rotten taste in ones mouth.

This is MY opinion based on personal experience- just want to make that clear.


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