Saturday, August 3, 2013

You Never Know Where Your Inspiration Will Come From


I was in my chair all day.  I awakened with rigid muscles again, and honestly just did not feel like doing anything but eat - I did my best to watch my intake.

After I did some little things around the house, made a little dinner, I was faced with the reality that if I didn't exercise today, I would be going two days in a row without exercising.  So I gave in about 8:30 p.m. and decided to go in the pool.

There was a party going on next door, and initially they were playing music that I wasn't interested in hearing, so I had closed up the house.     I relented to the fact that I was just going to have to endure their music while I swam.

As I got into the slightly chilly water, it occurred to me that the party must be a luau, and the music was quite tolerable, so is the water, but I really needed some motivation.  Starting my swim I said "Lord, I need some direction."  I was feeling a little low, and had decided I would only do 5 laps.

 I heard the live musicians change songs to what sounded like a hula version of "How Great Thou Art", I sincerely took a listen, as I stroked they went into the Hawaiian version of "Shout To The Lord."

As they sang in Hawaiian, I swam and sang in English.  I lost count of my laps.  I was going nice and slow, really more of dog paddle than swim stroke, but I was in motion.   The music was actually anointed, and as I swam I enjoyed the presence of God.  They finished with "Shout" and went into a peaceful instrumental.   There I was in my pool, all alone, listening to a Christian Hawaiian Luau group, and basking in the peace.

I don't know how long I was in the pool or how many laps I did.  What I achieved was my goal to be in motion at least 20 minutes a day.  Also, I had some prayer time and a really cool experience.

God is always on time, and His Inspiration comes from the places you will least expect it.

Just keep in mind, whatever your frame of mind, God will meet you where you are.


  1. That is right....we never know where our inspiration will come from. What seems like something we might not want is actually something that can be a blessing to us. We just need to be alert, aware and open to God's timing.
