Monday, January 27, 2014


Trusting God.  We're all trusting God for something.  We trust God that we're going to get in the car and make it to our destination safely.  We trust God that when we send our children off to school, they will be protected.   But what happens when we don't reach our destination safely or our children are harmed when not in our care?

Many years ago I had a cousin that was in a car accident.  The driver that caused the accident walked away, his other passenger I think had a broken leg, but because of where my cousin was sitting in the car, he died, just days before his 18th birthday.

I was very young, I heard so many adults try to make sense of this tragedy.   I heard one, "God knew that something really bad was going to happen to him later in life, so God took him now."  Another was, because his friend was not obeying the law, God took my cousin as a punishment to the driver.   Or, there was sin in my cousin's life, and God couldn't protect him in that state.  My all time favorite (sarcasm) was because my Uncle and Aunt were pastors, they needed to experience the pain so they could help others.

All of these are wrong.  The answer: Bad things happen.  Bad things happen to good people. That's just life on planet earth.

I heard a very respected minister stand up and proclaim, "I have it, get out your notepads and pens, I have the answer to the question, 'why some people get healed, and others don't.'"  We all scampered for our notebooks (pre android days).  He said, "are you ready? Here it is .... I DON'T KNOW."  We all laughed and he went on explaining that he had seen miracle after miracle, he had seen people raised from the dead.  He had seen people grow limbs, develop sight in blind eyes, and deaf ears healed.  He said, "I had enough faith then for them, the same of faith I have for you right now, but some of you may walk away not healed."

I used to think there was a special formula for whatever situation I was in.   If I prayed, read my Bible, lived right, went to church, and really developed my faith, that God would see my hard work and reward me for it by granting my desire.  The disciples asked Jesus, how can we get that power?  We've been taught that Jesus answered in Matthew 17:21 "But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting."  Did you know that verse does not exist in the original text?  In was an add - on.  Jesus really answered, "because of the littleness of you faith."

There are so many questions and not many answers, and for this reason I think its called "faith."  Let me tell you, prayer works, living right works, going to church works, building your faith works, but there seems to be no magical formula, or defined reason why we don't get what we pray for, or trust God for.  We have so many Scriptures and promises, after all, Jesus said he came "have and enjoy life to the full till it overflows." (John 10:10)

Recently someone I know became terminally ill.  She was an incredible God-fearing woman.  She has two grandbabies on the way.  She has everything to live for.  But at this point, knowing what we know about her illness, she should go on to be with Jesus very soon.  Her life cut too short.  But wait, cut too short for who?  Cut too short for her?  Do you think she will regret anything she misses out on while she is in Heaven?  Not one bit.  She will be so busy worshipping at the feet of the Almighty that her earthly desires will be gone.   Now we will miss her.  Her husband is devastated, her children are grieved, but that is for THIS life.  For them, the enemy came to "steal, kill, and destroy" (John 10:10) in THIS life.  I would never deny her the opportunity to live forever in heaven rather than suffer on earth.

 I don't know why my cousin died.  I don't know why people suffer and die.  I don't know why horrendous pain is spread throughout the earth.  Why are there so many questions and no answers?  I  don't know.

I do know that I was created for the pleasure of God, to be in fellowship with Him.  I know that God had an arrangement with His first created, that was broken, and with that act the law of sin death entered the world. (Ephesians 2)

I know God sent a part of Himself in the form of a man, Jesus, to take our place and change the laws of sin and death. (John 3)

I know that Jesus died a horrifically painful death to take my place.  Have you considered that Jesus asked God in the Garden of Gethsemane to let "this cup pass" (Mark 14).  The human side of Jesus didn't want to die, but the God side of Jesus did!

I know that after Jesus died that God raised Him from the dead, which changed the law of sin and death on the planet earth.  When Jesus died his man-spirit took the sins of  the world to their death in hell, then He left the sin there, His God-spirit came back to earth to be seen and manifest His power, and prove that the Word of God is true. (Titus 2)

I know that after Jesus ascended to heaven, that He sent His Holy Spirit to be our constant companion and comfort here on earth. (Acts 2)

I know that when I trust God He makes a way - if I could put a Scripture reference here, I would but there is no "book of Kristi" so you will just have to believe me that when I say, God saved me from death, God saved my son after he was run over by a car, God has always provided for me, even though I could not see an end - there was an end.

I Peter says to "humble yourselves to Him."  Letting go of control can be a humbling experience.  Then at the proper time "He will exalt you."  "Casting all of your anxieties, worries, and cares onto Him, because He cares for you.

Trusting God is not easy.  Letting go of control is maddening.  Putting it in God's hands is scary.  Let me tell you that from personal experience, I have had these feelings and emotions.  Let me tell you from personal experience that in the end, God always comes through.  It may not be in the way that you thought, but "all things work together for good to those who love Him."  (Romans 8)

"Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and His powerful strength.  Put on God's armor so that you can take a stand against the tricks of the devil.  We aren't fighting against human enemies, but against spiritual powers of evil. So pick up the full armor of God so that you can stand your ground and after  you have done everything possible to stand, you can still stand." (Ephesians 6)


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