Sunday, July 5, 2015

Distracted ... I wonder if ... squirrel!

 For this nation’s heart has grown gross (fat and dull), and their ears heavy and difficult of hearing, and their eyes they have tightly closed, lest they see and perceive with their eyes, and hear and comprehend the sense with their ears, and grasp and understand with their heart, and turn and I should heal them. – Jesus, Matthew 13

With all that has been going on in our nation these days, you may think I’ve used this verse for others.  Nope, I’m using for myself.   I have become fat and dull, my ears have been difficult of hearing, and my eyes have been closed.   I am not looking, perceiving, or seeking the manifestations of God.  I have become “weary in well doing” and become lazy.   I have become like the person that hears the Word of God but life becomes too distracting and the nourishment of the Word is let go.

I have been a Christian since before I can remember.  I have asked Jesus to be my savior probably a thousand times.   I have read my Bible, gone to church, been active in church, told others about Jesus, prayed for others, done God’s will, listened to His voice – but I have become distracted by the things around me, and I have no longer been relying with my whole heart on Him.

Becoming a Christian at such an early age has its benefits, it also has its pitfalls.  Because Jesus has been with me my whole life, I have taken that relationship with Him for granted.  I know He is there, I know that the God-head is looking out for me.  I seek my comfort and wisdom from the Holy Spirit, I talk to God on a daily basis, but I have not been seeking Him.

It is kind of like marriage.  That person is there, you know that person will come through for you in the end, so you go on with life, let the kids distract you, let the finances distract you, have conversation that isn’t deep or meaningful – just dealing with the things of life.   All of a sudden you wake up and go, oh, I’ve been taking our relationship for granted, I need to invest some time, so you go on a date, or a weekend away, and boom, you are cured.

I’ve done the same thing with God, and I am sorry.   The coolest thing, is that God knows.  His feelings aren’t hurt, He’s not distracted, He is right there, ready for me, and we don’t even have to go on a date, I just have to take the time to invest in Him.

So, here I go.  I guess I will be sharing a Scripture every day for the rest of the month.  I have will have some personal attachments to that Scripture, and I may share it, and I might not.  But it is time to invest, it is time to seek, it is time to put the distractions to rest, and work on my side of the relationship.

I hope you will join me.


1 comment:

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