Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Upside Down Overnight Turkey

Tired of waiting for the bird to be done before serving Thanksgiving dinner?

Tired of cleaning and cutting the turkey while your guests wait in the other room?

Here's the easiest way to do turkey. It is not recommended by the USDA and people who are concerned about public safety, but if you follow the simple guidelines, you should be fine.

Guideline #1 - Bacteria die at internal temp of 150ish.

Guideline #2 - Check both the thigh and the breast for internal temps, both should be above 150, 155 - 165 is ideal.

Guideline #3 - If its not falling off the bone, its not done.

Guideline #4 - If you can't get the "inners" out before baking, they should stay in their little bag throughout cooking, and immerse completely contatined after baking.


Use a brown and serve bag. A roasting pan with lid, or two disposable pans (one for lid)

Try to remove "inners." Rub salt or any seasonings on FROZEN turkey. Put in bag. Put bag in pan - breast side down (upside down) use a lid.

Set oven to 200 and cook overnight. When you get up crank up the temp to 350. The turkey is done when internal temp is over 150 (see guidelines).

Let turkey cool to comfortable temp. Turkey should be warm so you can just let it drop off of the bone. Breast can be sliced, but should be falling off of the carcas.

Remove bag of "inners" (yuk to me, others like it)

Pack the sliced turkey in two serving dishes. Pour turkey broth or purchased chicken broth over sliced turkey. Cover with foil and lid if possible.

Can be refrigerated a day or two until it is ready to warm and serve. To keep turkey moist, liberally use broth.

All done! Cooking and Cleaning out of the way, you can enjoy your day.

KM 11/24

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