Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jesus Has It Covered

Most of us are daily dealing with this hole in our lives - we are what I call "cash poor." Sometimes deciding what bill to pay and when is a strategic maneuver. Hopefully we have enough to pay the mortgage and put food on the table. It is like a giant gash that requires stitches.

This wound can be massive and is stressful on our minds, bodies, and families. Just like our body when we are ill, the focus of the immune system and healing organisms goes to the greatest need, sometimes leaving other areas unprotected.

Yesterday I talked to God about it, and as I did I received a peace in my heart. Last night I had enough peace and not panic so that Jeff and I could rationally discuss strategies for stitching up this gash. Even though there wasn't good news, nor did we come to any grand conclusions, I still had peace.

This morning I called a friend. We weren't really talking about money, but she said, "do you need any money?" I laughed as though, "of course, who doesn't?" She said, "no, do you need any extra?" I said, "yes!" She began to tell me that the Lord had put this on her heart a few days ago. She knew she was to give me some money. She asked how much, I had no idea how much so as I stammered for an answer, she just spit out a number and said, "here."

I'm not one to fight with God, so I took it. Quickly I was off to the grocery store when I realized I had no gas. Detour to the gas station to fill up my tank, then to the grocery store and fill up my fridge and pantry. I was shocked when I was done. I had spent almost exactly what she had given me with a few dollars left over.

Why don't I remember how timely and faithful God is to me. He always knows what I need and delivers right on time. He gave me peace when I prayed because the answer was already on its way. He had taken care of it even before I asked.

We still have the contusion, but Jesus put a band-aid on it. It's going to take time to heal this massive wound, but at least Jesus has it covered.

Psalm 23 - "The Lord is my caregiver, I will not lack any good thing."
Psalm 55 - "Pile your troubles on God's shoulders, He'll carry your load, He'll help you out.."
I Chronicles 5: 20 "God answered their prayers because they trusted Him."

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