Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Why does God answer some prayers and not others?

Why does God answer some prayers and not others?  I have no idea.  People used to say it was because there wasn’t  “enough faith”, or “God said no,” or  “you had it, but you lost it,”  and then there’s always,  “you are learning through your trial so God is allowing it. “   I don’t know if any of these statements are true.  What I do know is that God answers prayer.

I have had several miracles since the start of the year.  On three separate occasions I asked God for a specific amount of money, He answered within 24 hours each time.   At the beginning of the year , I had a situation that needed special attention from God.  I really needed an answer , and within two days I had total peace about the decision, and then within 3 more days God had it all worked out, I had to do nothing, just pray.  These are just a few examples of the miracles God has been giving me just this year.

Today another prayer was answered.   You might not think that surgery is an answer to prayer, but it is for us.   Jarrod is having sinus surgery – yay!  Jarrod has had ear and sinus difficulty since he was 5 months old.  We have been to “the best” ENTs in Riverside and Loma Linda.  He has had multiple surgeries.  Both ear drums have ruptured multiple times.   He continually walks around with holes in his ears (not tubes).  I can not count how many tubes he has had, I should have written it down.

This is funny – When Jarrod was 3 he had his tonsils and adenoids removed, and tubes replaced in his ears.    A few years later Jarrod had his adenoids removed again, (yes, the adenoids grew back) and another new set of tubes.   A year or so ago, we went to the ENT who said, well, your adenoids look good.  Jarrod and I just about rolled on the floor laughing.  I reminded the doctor he had taken them out once, and another doctor before him, he thought it was funny too.  Just recently we went to a new doctor and he said, “well, your tonsils look good.”  So now, he has his adenoids again, and now his tonsils are back.

I have been praying for years for a doctor to do the “roto-rooter” of his sinuses, even though I am aware it is very painful.  On our way to this doctor’s appointment  today, I took Jarrod’s arm and prayed out loud for an answer to Jarrod’s problem.  I prayed for God’s wisdom and healing power.  I prayed God’s wisdom on the doctor and stated God has provided the wisdom has so that surgery can be His healing power – in any situation.

Today the doctor told us that Jarrod would be having surgery.  Better yet, there is different technology and he 
is going to do it with a laser.  No cutting, no packing, just some minor burning, and Jarrod will be completely out during the surgery.   There will be very little recovery time.  I wanted to yell, “Thank you, Jesus!” right there in the Jewish doctor’s office, but I didn’t, however, I did when I talked to the nurse.
I’ve been battling depression for years.  Why haven’t my healing prayers been answered?  I don’t know.  I do know that I get better every day.  I know that I have learned more than any book could ever teach me about pain and how to help someone through it.  No, God hasn’t allowed me to suffer so that I can help others,  I don’t believe that way … but I have taken advantage of the situation and obtained invaluable knowledge.

God, thank you for the answer to prayer we received today.  I ask that you heal me completely in my body.   Please provide healing for my friends and relatives too.  Help us to understand why some prayers are answered and some aren't, and not to blame You.

K  3-16-10

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