Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Life On the Other Side of Hell (thought 1)

The last 10 years have been a blur.  There were days when I wanted to die.  There are still days when I want to crawl under a rock and hide.   There are still some days that I have to just let "slide by", and others that seem like optimistic starting points.  There are days that I find myself in "NORMAL".  Yes, I realized two days ago that I had found "NORMAL".

I had to tell someone today that there is life on the other side of hell.  I can say for certainty that there is, because I am there.  As I read her blog I felt emotions of sympathy, empathy, and sadness.  She is where I was about 8 years ago.   The doctors can't make the symptoms go away, life as she knew it no longer exists.   I'm sorry to tell her that life as she knew it will never exist again.  That isn't necessarily a negative statement.  It is your choice to make life what it is.

God has a plan for our lives.  We have to be open to go the direction He is leading, and sensitive to follow Him.  What needs to be realized is that our destiny and our future is based on our free will.   Bad things will always happen around us and to us.  It is how we deal with them that ultimately affects our future.
When I was at my lowest point, what I would call "hell", if someone would have told me that, I most likely would have wanted to slap them.  But what I did need to hear is that there is life on the other side.  This, I know to be true.  For me that other side has taken 10 years.  Hopefully it won't take anyone else that long.

Convincing myself that I was going to make it was the hardest but most effective part of every day.  I would have to let bad days go by, and just know in my heart, that tomorrow could bring something better, and it usually did.  That's how I made it, one step at a time.  I cried.  I felt sorry for myself.   My life was passing me by.   There are things about my boys growing up that I do not remember.  It was a steep price I paid for being alive, but I am alive, here to make new memories.

On the other side:  There is joy.  There is freedom.  There is peace.  There is hardship.  There is laughter.  There are bad days.  There are great days.  There are NORMAL days.

Anyone who feels stuck in hell, these are the words I have to share with you.  There IS life on the other side.

K 4-7-10

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the thoughts and 
plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.

1 comment:

  1. Jeremiah favorite scripture. I have hung onto that one for a long time and it gives me peace. I know that God has something important for each of us in this life and I am glad we have scripture to encourage us along the way. I absolutely refuse to allow depression to rule my life. I may get down at times but I always get back up....
    Hang tough and remember where our strength comes from....I love you.....
