Saturday, May 22, 2010

Don't let the word "Depression" fool you

I was brought up to believe that you pulled your own weight.  You worked, the chores were handed out evenly, and if you didn't do what you were "supposed to do" then you were lazy, no good, or useless.  This would mean that there would be a flaw in your character, and not only would I not want to be this person, I could not be friends with this person.

I Googled "depression"  this is what I found - "54% of people believe depression is a personal weakness."  (website of the uplift program)

It is time to stop thinking such nonsense.  Depression is as real as diabetes.  Depression needs a new name or letters like DPS, perhaps then it wouldn't automaticallly be shoved into the "crazies" category. 

Depression is not merely feeling "blue", or "under the weather."   Everyone has felt depressed.  Grief or stress is often associated with feeling depressed, but real depression can not be cured with a funny movie or a trip to the mall.  Sometimes those things help, but when the actiivity is over, the depression is still there.  Depression doesn't go away over night.  It is a syndrome that needs to be worked through. 

Depression has many triggers; the loss of a loved one, a stressful situation such as a divorce or financial disaster, a traumatic experience or illness, extra worry or concern.  Even that blucky feeling on Sunday night when  you have to get up for school the next morning.   These can all be triggers for depression.  The rule of  thumb for diagnosis is that these feelings last more than two weeks.

Depression is simply a funk, and groove, a ditch, or a hole that is debilitating with overabundant feelings or no feelings at all.

Put everything you know or think on hold and let me explain depression to you.  Depression actually hurts, but you can't pin-point the pain like a broken bone.  Depression feels like you need something taken out of you like an apendectomy, but there is no depressionectomy.   Sometimes it occurs with migrain headaches.   Sometimes it gives its own headache.  Severe depression can be paralyzing.

I'm trying to get the word out that Depression can be solved.  It has to be looked at from all different sides.  I hope, if you have not already, read my posts, and let me open the door to understanding me, your friend, and maybe other loved ones as well.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristi,
    I am enjoying reading your insight into your journey of feeling normal.
    Having experienced depression and from what I know about it, it is a mood disorder which is treatable. Treating depression, however, is not a "one size fits all" thing; you are absolutely right when you say that it needs to be looked at from all different sides.
    As for me, I try and be as optimistic as possible. I try to be positive when things don't give me a reason to be positive. I look at my past and strive to see it as a way that I can overcome most obsticles in my future. However, I don't just rely on myself for strength but on God who is much more reliable then myself.
    Thanks for sharing Kristi!
