Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Crisis Mode

Have you heard the one about the woman whose child was stuck under the car and so she moved the car out of the way?   I don't know what the details are, or if it is really true, but in some circumstances, it is possible.

Did you know that God created us to have the reaction of fright, flight, or fight?  When adrenalin is triggered in our brain, a natural function takes place, and our brains have the ability to make a snap decision, and usually the strength to pull it off.  Wouldn't you run faster if a bear was chasing you, than if you were going to get the mail?

The Bible tells us that each of us is a member of a body.  That each has his/her own special gifts, talents, and place in the Body of Christ.   Well, God created some of us to do very well in "crisis mode".

What would our world be like without the first responders?  There are people who know just what to do in a crisis, whether they have been trained or not.  The firefighters, police, ER personnel, ministers, counselors, they all have the ability to work in a crisis situation.

I have a friend who can't have a crisis, because she hasn't planned for it.  Her day is planned from 5a.m. until 9p.m.  If your crisis doesn't fit into her schedule, then she'll have to deal with tomorrow.  God must have given her a special gift for that, because she's great at what she does.

Sometimes I wish I could be like her.   I wish I had everything together.  I had my exercise routine, by Bible time, my breakfast time with the kids, my house cleaning time, my .... you get the picture.

There are many "managers" people who day in and day out do the exact same thing like clockwork.  Like teachers, doctors, a patrol officer, at home moms ....

Apparently I'm a first responder.  If the phone rings at 3 a.m. with an emergency I can get out of bed and deal with it - if its running to the hospital, or talking through a couple's knock down drag out fight, I can do it.  I'm exhausted the next day, but that's just how I'm wired.

How are you wired?  Do you realize how important you are in that position?  God gave you a special gift.  Whether you are an ambulance driver or a postal carrier, God put that ability in you.   Without each side of the pendulum, our world would be out of balance.

Discover your wiring, and treat it well.  Do not think poorly of yourself because your life is not "organized", or that you can't think quickly enough in a situation.

Each of us plays a different and important role in the Body of Christ.  What is yours?  Are you a first responder?  Are you a main-stayer?  Or are you somewhere in between?

Believe in who YOU are.  Believe that God gave you a gift for a purpose.   Find that purpose, and build on it.  God will be pleased with the outcome, and so will you.

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