Monday, February 6, 2012

Be Flexible

Lifestyle change. #1 - Drink a minimum of 64 oz. of water a day.  CHECK
Lifestyle change #2 - Stretch daily

Being flexible is very important.  Muscle elasticity, especially in a post-menopausal woman like myself is key.

There are things that fat people don't tell you like:  Bathing is exercise; Tying my shoe is the most difficult thing I do all day; Say good bye to your toes, which goes with - private parts?  What private parts?  I know they're there, I just haven't seen them in a very long time.  Reaching the nether-regions in a public bathroom stall can look like a circus act.  And if the pants don't stretch, I ain't buying them.

Today as goal number two, I had a ten minute stretch.   I will begin stretching for a minimum of ten minutes each day this week.  After this week, I hope to make everyday a habit, but at least 5 times a week.

Ethan set the timer for ten minutes.  We warmed up our muscles, and then I led him in a series of stretches, that honestly, just felt good - and we didn't even scratch the surface.   I used to sit on my butt, legs out, and touch my nose to my knees.    Today, I could barely grasp my feet.  Ethan can't even touch his ankles.  My goal for the next few weeks is to get Ethan to be able to touch his toes.  In doing so, my nose will be headed toward my knees again.

We could have stretched for ten more minutes and might have reached the majority of our muscle groups.  Who knew I was so rigid?  So now I'm on it, my daily stretch.  I will now be correctly hydrated (goal #1), and more flexible (goal #2).  Goal number two seems reachable for me ... and Ethan.


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