Saturday, February 4, 2012

Water, Water, Everywhere

Last Monday, January 30, a friend and I weighed in for a "contest".   The contest isn't how much weight we can lose, but its about making goals and sticking to them.  There will be a winner, I guess, but we're both winners, because it will make our lives healthier.

After praising God that I did not weigh more than 225 pounds, yes, much, but I thank God I don't weigh more. Now I've started on my quest.  I must set my goals and stick to them.  The weight loss is the benefit of the goal, not the purpose for the goal.  However, I will be weighing in every week to see the benefit, and keep my inspiration.

Goal #1 - Water

Did you know that up to 60% of the human body is water?  The brain is composed of 70% water, and the lungs are nearly 90% water. Lean muscle tissue contains about 75% water; body fat contains 10% water and bone has 22% water. About 83% of our blood is water, which helps digest our food, transport waste, and control body temperature. Every day we must replace 2.4 litres of water, some through drinking and the rest taken by the body from the foods we eat. (Thank you USGS)

So, Goal #1, WATER.  

Many years ago when I was in Weight Watchers, they required 8 - 8oz glasses or 64 oz of water each day.   So I took a look at my little water bottles and decided that if I drank 4 water bottles a day, I would have about that equivalent.  That's almost 2 litres.  So for the normal person, 4 bottles would be good. 

I decided to go with a minimum of  64 oz. per day of plain water.  Not water from soda, crystal light, or tea, but plain water.  I want to lose weight, and since it has been discovered that drinking a glass of water before you eat makes you "feel" fuller, I like that idea.  Another study showed that drinking water slightly increases your metabolism, and that by simply increasing your water intake, you could lose up to 5 pounds in a year, not a big deal, but I'll take all of the help I can get.  

I'm more interested in the toxin-flush benefit to my body. Our cells tend to hold toxins until they are properly hydrated and release the toxins.  Just by hydrating my body, I am doing it a huge favor by flushing the toxins.  And believe me, I have toxins.   My diet has not been a careful one.  I have abused my body with high fat foods, fast food, and soft drinks for years.   I'm ready to flush.  (giggle) (oh and I have been flushing)

So, my goal for week #1 is to drink 6 bottles of plain water a day.   Instead of just relying on the 4, I wanted to boost it up a little bit, and 6 seemed do-able.   I started Monday, and am proud to say, that on Saturday, each day I have achieved and some days exceeded my goal.  

Pardon my bluntness:  The first two days, I could not stop uh, uh, well.... pooping.   That only lasted a couple of days.  Now, yes, I pee a lot, but not a huge amount more than my post-menopausal body already did.  And I already feel better.

There's just a satisfaction in achieving your goals, and I am proud of myself for this little one.  I may make a 4 bottle a day routine, and then continue a 6 bottle a day goal, we'll see how my body responds.  I don't expect a change on the scale on Monday, but I do expect a change in my body by June, if only for the water.  If there's a change on the scale, great, if not, at least I know I'm doing something good for me.

So what's goal #2?  I don't know yet.  It has to be something achievable.  Exercise, not yet, no sugar, not yet, lets see - suggestions?


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