Thursday, April 5, 2012

I'll Be Glad When ...

I had these thoughts rolling in my head to share today, I read my last post, and realized, I am in the midst of learning something.

I had a friend many years ago who said, "When it comes to your kids, stop, and take time to enjoy where you are, because you will never get that back." I am realizing how very true those words are.

This morning as I lingered in my bed, Jarrod came in and plopped himself down next to me. He pulled the covers up to his face and said, "I'm tired, I need a nap." Apparently on Easter break being awake for 2 hours warrants a nap.   As he laid there, I noticed the outline of a little face I used to know... that cute button nose that belonged to the green eye-d monster (he has green eyes) I'd fallen in love with almost 17 years ago.

While my boys are growing up, I have to fight the urge to think,  "I'll be glad when ..."  I'll be glad when he walks, then talks, then potty trained, then goes to school, then summer vacay, then back to school, then does his homework by himself, packs his own lunch, drives himself to school..... All parents know what I am talking about.

As that precious face fell asleep next to me, I realized I am out of  "I'll be glad whens".   I have to relish the moment, breathe, and be proud.   My little ADD boy with the cutest little lisp is almost an adult.   He takes his studies seriously.  He has learned some responsibility.  He is going to be a high school senior in August.   He asked us and his grandparents to pray for him to know exactly what God wants him to do with his life. (tears)

I just thank God we haven't gone through the girl thing yet.  Ah, but here's an "I'll be glad when..."  I'll be glad when he has the opportunity to love, and have a very wise girl love him back.  But that will mean that Mom isn't his number one girl anymore.  What a two edged sword.

College and University applications and such arrive in the mail daily.   Last week a recruiter actually called the house.  I see my boy will be going to college in a little over a year, and will that be in California?  Then I will say, "I'll be glad when he comes home to visit."

These are precious times in our lives, in the lives of our children, don't let these times go by without stopping, taking a deep breath, and just be proud of your kid, right where he is.  Don't live in, "I'll be glad when...", live in I'm so glad now.


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