Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Joy of Exercise

(Wednesday's post on Thursday)

Wednesday was kind of a mixed bag of a day.   I was still recouping from my bad day on Tuesday, and doing my best to stay busy without actually accomplishing anything.  I had not exercised since Monday, and previously not exercised on Saturday or Sunday, this put me at a disadvantage.  

At 9:00 p.m. Wednesday night I hit the pool.   It was a bit chilly, dark, and I was alone.   I swim better with someone.   I did my laps, but pausing in between; my muscles were tight, and almost hurting, and it didn't seem that I would make it to "10".  This week I was going to push myself to 11.  But not yet, apparently.

I went to bed very tired, and awakened at 5 am, every muscle in my body rigid.  I could barely roll out of bed.  It hurt to stretch, it hurt to move.   I think my neck had been in the same position for 5 hours.  When I awakened again at time to get up, pretty much the same thing, not as severe.  So I hobbled out of bed and started my day.

Jarrod has a yoga app on his phone that he used this morning, and was already feeling the burn in his abdomen.

It comes down to this - If we don't take care of our bodies, where will we live?   My body is already screwed up, I need to spruce it up to have a better home.

Find something you like and just do it (as Nike says).  Move in different ways that you are accustomed.  Get your heart rate up for 20 - 30 minutes.  STRETCH, oh, that's a big one.

Take 5 minutes every hour and do something like stretch or walk in place - you'll be glad you did.


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