Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I have a foster ktty, his name is Mister.  Mister doesn’t actually belong to me, but I’m keeping him until his real family gets settled.  Mister is the prime example of a “scaredy cat.”  We call him “the kitty in the closet.”  He lives in Ethan’s closet.  He comes out when he hears my voice or when he and Ethan are closed away in their room alone.

Today while I was visiting him I was telling him if he would learn how to be a lap cat, he could go live with Meema, where he would be treated like a king.  So once we had a very nice time of ear scratching and nuzzling, I forced him to sit in my lap.   He was not pleased a bit.  He squirmed and meowed, and  tried desperately to slither his way out of my control.

If Mister would relinquish control and be a lap cat, he could live like a king.   Every want and desire of his would be met.  He would have an amazing house with two grandparents who would give him their complete attention.  He wouldn’t have to live in a stuffy teenage boy’s closet, he could find much more luxurious accommodations.

Why am I telling you this?  Because how often is that us?  If we would relinquish our complete control over to God, how much better would our lives be?  Its so easy to go to God when we want a stroke, or a our ears scratched.  Its easy to trust God that we will have food and water every day, and if not, we can “meow” and it will arrive soon.  

My point - it is seemingly so hard for us to trust God completely, to sit in His lap and let him hold us tight – but if we just would, we would have a much more fulfilling life.

Hebrews 10:22 “So let us all come forward and draw near with true (honest and sincere ) hearts water.in unqualified assurance and absolute conviction engineered by faith (by the leaning of the entire human personality on God in absolute trust and confidences in His power, wisdom and goodness …. “

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