Tuesday, October 8, 2013

COCOON part one

A week or so ago, my pastor had a vision of me in a "cocoon" and the Lord shutting the door.   I'm just going to continue the story assuming that you can accept that I believe what my pastor saw was from God. Anyway, God told her that I was to shut myself off from the distractions of everyday life and pet projects and use my time to seek Him.   I was not to go to church, do anything for anyone else other than my immediate family, and take as much time as possible to read and pray and seek God's face.

Today is day one. I don't know what to do with myself.  Well, let me back up, its not really day one because I had some business I had to take care of this morning, plus the fact that I threw a humongous party this weekend, and I still don't have things put away.  My body has finally come down from the party, and I don/t feel like putting anything away or finishing my business.  God is going to help me figure those things out.

So what do I do? I don't like to read.  A few days ago I ordered an audio book of Joyce Meyer's so I'm waiting for that to get here.  I've watched Christian TV and the news today - there's only so much of that to watch and what one can watch.  Feeling my body seems to be the goal of day one.

Most of you know my body is a constant hurdle to my life - depression and fibromyalgia keep me from doing the things that I love.  Today, I go with my body.  I listen to it to see what it is saying, its saying, I'm bored, and I want to jump up, leave all of my priorities behind, and go do something fun.  Today is sit day.

I have written about "letting the day go by" because of pain or depression.  I am letting the day go by to decompress my body.  My goal tomorrow will be to have the brain power to ask God for His direction as I plan out my priorities.

We've been taught by our pastor, priority number one is God, that's a no-brainer.  But when it comes to priority number two, self - well that's a little different.  However, if I don't have myself, I can't do anything else, so I guess God has given me the wisdom today to focus on "self" as my body, and seek him as to what my body can do, or what I can do for my body.

So since I have taken time to talk to God, my first priority, I listen to priority number two, self, and self says "sit" so today I "sit"  perhaps tomorrow God will show me what to do with my body after it has rested.  Rejuvenation is today's goal.  And that's it from the Cocoon.


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