Friday, April 4, 2014

It's Not God's Fault

There was a conversation about God creating crippled babies.  Well, that set me off, so here are some thoughts.

When we look at the Bible, we find a story of Jesus healing a blind man (John 9).  It was asked of Jesus, "who sinned that this man would be born blind?"  Jesus answered, "It was not his parents or this man who sinned ... but that the workings of God would be manifest."  Here's where things get messed up.  "but that the workings of God would be manifest."  So many people focus on the second part of the sentence, that they miss the first part: It was not the parents or the man that sinned that caused the blindness!

Now we can split hairs here, but I believe Jesus did not say, "God made this man blind because He knew I would come along and heal him and it would raise a big stink and be a pivotal part of the story."  Uh, no.   Remember that the Bible is a translation of someone's perception of events. John being the writer here, could have gotten the quote wrong.  Or his perception of the quote wasn't completely accurate, OR the translation from the Greek didn't quite translate the sentence into the way we speak English.  In your mind, completely put aside the second part of the sentence, and concentrate on, NO ONE'S SIN CAUSED THE BLINDNESS.

So now go all of the way back to Adam and Eve.  God created their bodies in HIS image. That probably meant that God created their bodies without flaws.   However, because of Adam and Eve, sin entered the world, and part of sin's curse is that humans will eventually die.  Genesis 3 says that they were to return to the dust from which they were formed.  I have a feeling that their first bodies, the bodies that were not naked, were bodies that were not designed to return to the dust.  Once sin entered the body, the body had to begin to decay.  We can talk about some other time.

Since our bodies are now bodies that decay, there are going to be issues with these bodies from the start.  During my second pregnancy I began throwing up at day #25 and continued until the 7th month.   After my body had used up all of the nutrition that was stored for the baby, because I was throwing up, there was no more nutrition.  My baby wasn't developing with the proper nutrition required.   Had I sinned that I should have such difficulty in pregnancy?  No, it was just the part of life that had been handed down since Eve.

I'm getting somewhere, don't let me lose you.

Pregnancies are hard.  Things don't go right.  Babies don't develop according to the text book. There are bad genes.  There are extenuating circumstances.  The punishment  for sin entering the world is imperfection! God does not create babies to be born crippled, there is so much more at work here than just giving it a blanket statement of blaming God.

I have heard it said that "I can't believe there would be a God that would be so cruel as to let ..... whatever  ... happen."   It's not God's fault!

I don't want to serve a God that creates crippled babies!  That's not my God!  My God is the healer of the crippled babies!  My God is the God of the science that provides for the crippled babies.  My God is the lifter of the heads of the parents of the crippled babies.

Throughout the Bible you are going to find Scripture that says that even in the womb God saw you and approved of you and had a life plan for you.   He didn't design the pit falls in that life plan, He designed the ropes that would pull you from the pit falls.  He designed the successes not the failures.  My God does not design failures.  So, He sees past the flaws, past the sin, and sees what He designed.  That's my God.

It's not God's fault.  It's the fault of the world.  It's the fault of the place where we live.  It's the fault that we are human and humans are not perfect.

I serve a loving God.  He is my heavenly father.  No father ever wanted his child to be crippled. My God does not want children to be crippled.  My God wants them to be healed and whole, that is why He sent Jesus, the only one of His children that He put punishment on, so that the rest of us could be whole.  The miracle of Jesus provided us with the tools to live the life God had planned for us - a whole life.

Whatever you believe, let me say clearly, I believe it is not God's fault.


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