Tuesday, August 5, 2014

I've Seen It All

The Song of Solomon says, "there's nothing new under the sun."  I believe it.  Let me tell you, I think I have seen it all.  Being  raised in the Pastors' house has given me a window into people's lives only soap opera writers wish they could have.

I am rarely shocked by anything.  I am rarely repulsed by anything.  I rarely judge people about anything.  I usually find things funny.   I have what I believe to be a great sense of humor, so if its strange, weird, or horrendous, I usually laugh, I guess its my defense mechanism.

I'm not all jollies, I've had to forgive myself for missing things ... things that if I had been astute would have stood out to me.  Recently while speaking with someone I grew up with, she shared that she and her siblings had been beaten.   We all knew something was wrong in the home, but we just couldn't nail it down.  In another instance, what would have happened all of those years ago if I would have perceived that a girl sobbing in my arms was trying to tell me that her father was molesting her?   I don't know, that one haunted me.

I deal primarily with children or adults trying to reconcile their childhoods.    I would like to go around to every family that needs a nail to be hit on the head,  and find out exactly what is going on in that household, but I can't.   I have to trust God that He will be there for those people, and He will give them the strength and courage to come forward.

My family laughs that I don't have a "filter."  That I just blurt out "secrets".  Well, if you have been arrested or molested, those secrets I don't blurt.  Its the unimportant secrets such as my sister wets her pants if she coughs too hard, or if I laugh too much I fart - those kinds of secrets.  See, I just lost my filter and blurted out secrets.

The reason I am telling you this is because I have seen it all, well almost.  People walk around for decades holding in situations that they need to share just because they don't think anyone around them can handle the bitter truth.   I've seen the bitter truth, I know its ugly.  I have ugly things I have to share as well.  I need to tell someone the bitter truth.   It can eat you up inside if you don't let it go, and the best way to let it go is to find someone who has seen everything.

The first step in any program is to admit that you have a problem.  You don't need a program to be free from a hang up, but you do have to acknowledge that the hang up or situation exists.  If you need help with that, there are people who are available.  If you have a situation you need to get off of your chest, you may share it with me.  I may not be able to counsel you, help you, or even send you in the right direction, but I can listen, I can pray for you, and I can tell you that no matter what, you are loved.

If I haven't seen your situation before, well then, hey, I'm up for new experiences.  No, I haven't been divorced, but I held my friend up (physically) while she was going through a divorce.  No, I haven't lost a child, but I've been to the mortuary and picked out the casket.   No, I haven't been cheated on, but I watched a friend mend her marriage after infidelity.  No, I haven't been physically, sexually, or verbally abused, but I have a friend ....

You're not alone.  You are worthy of love.  You are worthy of kindness.  You are worthy of forgiveness.  You are worthy to forgive.   Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price to make you worthy of these things.  He took on the pain and suffering and sin for everything mankind could think up and do.  He is Who makes you worthy.  Jesus came to heal broken hearts.  Jesus is in me, and i hope He moves through me enough that I can share His healing with you.


Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you and the Glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.
Isaiah 58:8

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